留学生教学管理规定Regulations for Teaching & Study

作者: 时间:2024-01-01 点击数:

留学生教学管理规定Regulations for Teaching & Study

(一)语言留学生Language Students

1. 留学生开课前一周到国际教育学院领取课程表并领取购买教材。

International students should go to the International Education School to get their  class schedule one week before the class starts. All students get their first class textbooks free with a ticket issued from the admission office.


International students can submit a class transfer application to the teaching affairs office within the first month of each semester. Each student may only make one change per semester.

3. 留学生应按时上课、交作业、考试,不得无故缺席、迟到、早退。因故不能上课时,应向所在班的导师请假。留学生每月请假不能超过4; 每学期请假不能超过10天。留学生请假需填写请假申请表,连续请假3天以内由导师批准,3天以上10天以内的,由国际教育学院教研室主任批准,超过10天的由国际教育学院院长批准。所有经签名批准的请假按照出勤计算,未经批准的,一律按照旷课处理。出勤率低于80%者,会影响居留许可的延期。

International students are required to attend class, hand in homework, and participate in exams on time. Do not be absent from class, come to class late and leave early without acceptable reasons.

Those who ask for leave shall get permission. Maximum days for leave in one month: 4; maximum days for leave in one semester: 10.When ask for leave, you must complete International Students Application Form for Leave at Teaching Affairs Office. Three days or less may be approved by your tutor. From 3 to 10 days approval must come from the Teaching & Research Office Director. For more than 10 days, approval can only be granted by the Dean of the school. Approved leave will not be counted as an absence from classes, unapproved leaves will be counted as absence. Those international students with an absent rate of 20% or more per semester will have a difficult time in renewing their VISA.

4. 考勤、成绩优秀的留学生根据《广东技术师范学院来华留学生奖学金评选细则》,可以申请广东技术师范学院来华留学生奖学金。

     Those students who are excellent both in attendance and academic achievements can apply for the International Students Scholarship according to the “Detailed Selection Regulations for the International Students Scholarship of GPNU”.


Those who attend class, hand in homework, participate in exams on time and finish all required courses with “pass” academic results can apply for a Completion Certificate at the Teaching Affairs Office at the end of the semester. Those students who drop out in the middle of the study can only be given an Attendance Certificate.


(二)学历留学生Students in Majors

    1. 被接收到国际教育学院进行专业学习的留学生,应在开课前到国际教育学院教务管理办公室领取课程表并购买教材留学生须根据培养方案规定的学制和教学计划参加学习。

    Those international students who have been accepted by the university to study in majors should go to the Teaching affairs office to get their class schedule and buy textbooks before class starts. International students must study according to the academic system and teaching plan set by GPNU.

    2. 学历留学生在国际教育学院学习期间应严格遵守《广东技术师范学院来华留学本(专)科生学籍管理规定》。

International students in majors must strictly comply with Regulations for the International Undergraduates / Junior College Students at GPNU.

    3. 考勤、成绩优秀的留学生以及优秀的新生,符合《广东技术师范学院来华留学生奖学金评选细则》《广东省政府来粤留学生奖学金管理暂行办法》的相关要求,可申请留学生奖学金。

Those students, including current students and new students, who are excellent both in attendance and academic achievements as well as conform to the Detailed Selection Regulations for the International Students Scholarship of GPNU  and the requirements of Guangdong Government Outstanding International Students Scholarship can apply for the scholarships. 
