
作者: 时间:2017-06-01 点击数:

为拓宽留学生的全球科技视野,激发开拓意识,培养创新精神,5月27日,国际教育学院组织我校本科留学生前往琶洲会展中心,参加“2017穗港澳IT应用系统开发大赛优秀作品路演”活动。 参展作品均为物联网、云计算、大数据、人工智能等新兴IT技术、软件技术,通过与特色应用对象、重点应用领域的有机结合,开发出新型的IT应用系统。活动过程中,留学生们兴致勃勃地走访了每一个展位,向现场人员详细了解IT应用系统的功能和技术开发过程。留学生们还兴奋地观看了太空机器人的表演,与机器人展开互动。留学生们纷纷表示,此次活动激发想象力,拓宽视野,帮助他们收获先进的科技理念,更重要的是,让他们近身感受到高科技付诸实际应用的魅力及可能。


Last Saturday on May 27th, 2017, with the support of School of International Education, a group of twenty four GPNU overseas students from 14 different countries went on a school trip to Guangzhou Pazhou Exhibition Centre, to attend the “Roadshow of Prize-Winning Works from 2017 GZ-HK Area IT Application Development Contest”, where students shared a wonderful time. The show was jointly hosted by Guangzhou Association for Science & Technology and Foreign Affairs Office of Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government, in the hope of linking high technology into all walks of life.

Early in that morning, students were gathered up at the university gate and set out at 8 o’clock as scheduled. During the show, students were deeply absorbed in a variety of IT projects developed from IOT, Cloud computing, Big Data, AI, etc. Fascinated by the practical use of high-tech projects, some students made interactions with robots on the site, some listened attentively to scholar team’s introduction and some exchanged ideas about how certain theoretical principles could be put into reality. In the end of the activity, all participants found them enjoy such a valuable experience and said that it would become a lasting memory in their university lives.

Many students expressed their excitement in seeing robots perform tasks in the flesh. Mzee Mohamed Mzee, a student from Tanzania, told his teacher: “It is amazing that a robot could do such complicated and sophisticated fine work!” Chioke Anthony Chekwube, a Nigerian young man, shared his refection of doing scientific work after having a conversation with a project developer: “I think doing science is a serious job. Before a conclusion is drawn, it involves making investigations, gathering information, collecting valuable clues, finding convincing evidence, making mathematic calculation, analyzing and evaluating results … and all these not only take time and efforts, but also require patience.”

The outing, according to its organizer, School of International Education, is one of the series actions that the school takes in support of the university to develop innovative and creative students and promote a characteristic and sustainable international education in the long run.
