办理有关证件 Identification Documents

作者: 时间:2024-01-05 点击数:

() 学生证 Student ID Card


After registration, every students will be issued a GPNU Student ID Card. It is an important document, carry student ID card with you at all times.Lending and borrowing the student ID card are prohibited. If the card is lost, you must come to the admission office with a two-inch photo and apply for a new one. 

(二)在学证明 Student Verification Document


GPNU will provide a Study Certificate for International students. Please come to the admission office to apply. 

(三)成绩单  Transcript 


International students will receive transcripts upon graduation or certificate for completion of their study program. 

(四)离校手续 Departure Procedure


All departure procedures must complete within 15 days graduation or completion of study program.

1. 办理学生证的注销手续。

Cancel your Student ID card.

2. 持离校手续单到学校图书馆办理借书证销号退证手续。

Cancel your library card.

3. 如住在留学生宿舍,须按规定办理退房手续。

Check out of students accommodation.

4. 领取成绩单及学业证书。

Receive your transcripts, graduation or degree certificates from teaching affairs office.  
