来华留学生报到注册须知 Admission and Registration Procedures

作者: 时间:2024-01-03 点击数:

来华留学生报到注册须知 Admission and Registration Procedures

()新生报到手续:Procedures for New Students’ Registration

1. 留学生应在录取通知书规定的时间内到校报到。逾期者即失去入学资格。

International students shall register in GPNU before the date of the Admission Notice. Those who fail to register on time will not be permitted to enroll.


Present the Admission Notice, JW-202 form and valid passport at Admission Office.


Turn in five two-inch photos.

4. 按要求填写入学登记表及其他材料。

Turn in all properly filled out required registration documents.

5. 每学期报到前,需学费、住宿费等费用。私自离校和因自身原因按规定被学校开除学籍或因触犯刑律不能继续学习的,所缴学费、住宿费不予退还。

Tuition and accommodation fees shall be fully paid before registration. They will not be refunded if student is expelled from school or departs without prior authorization.

6. 来华学习年或以上者,需提交公立医院体检的《外籍、港、澳、台人员体格检查记录》原件。

Those students who will study in GPNU for more than 6 months should hand in the Physical Examination Record for Aliens and the Personnel Form Hong Kong Macau and Taiwan.

(二)在校生注册程序   Procedures for Old Students’ Registration


Current students shall register before each new semester. When registering be sure to bring passport, Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitors and student ID card. Those students who need to extend the residence permit should fully pay the tuition and accommodation fees first; then go to the Department of Entry and Exit Administration of GZ Public Security Bureau with all the documents above including the certification from GPNU. Expenses incurred will be paid by students themselves.

Without GPNU consent, international students who fail to register in the first two weeks of a new semester will be considered withdrawn from GPNU.
