
作者: 时间:2016-03-23 点击数:


Detailed Selection Regulations for the Overseas Students Scholarship of GPNU


To encourage and attract more outstanding overseas students to study in our university, and to encourage and provide some financial aids to the outstanding overseas students studying in our university so to create a lively and vigorous learning atmosphere, Guangdong Polytechnics Normal University has hereby established the Overseas Students Scholarship for the overseas students who have been studying in the university.


一、 奖学金申请者的基本条件

I  Basic Requirements for the Applicants of the Scholarship


(I)  Applicants of the scholarship must be overseas students who have been formally registered in GPNU for more than one year(included), and have not accepted any other scholarships from Chinese government. Applicants can be either language-learning students or students studying in majors.


(II)  The applicants must exemplarily obey Chinese laws, as well as GPNUS disciplines and regulations. They should also actively participate in activities, social practices organized by GPNU.


(III) Applicants should have serious learning attitude, being diligent,together with a more-than-90% rate of presence-in-class, and pass all the exams.


1. 因违反《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》而受到行政处罚者。

2. 因违反社会公德而造成不良影响者。

3. 严重违反校纪校规者。

(IV)  Those students who have any of the following cases are not permitted to apply for the scholarship:

1. Subjected to administrative penalties due to violation of Exit and Entry Administration Law of the Peoples Republic of China.

2.  Caused negative effects due to violation of social ethics.

3.  Severely violated disciplines and rules of GPNU.


   二、 奖学金奖项和奖金 


1. 优秀学历生一等奖学金。 奖励人民币1500/年。

2. 优秀学历生二等奖学金。 奖励人民币1000/年。

II  Scholarship Amount

(I)Scholarship for outstanding overseas students studying in majors

1.First prize scholarship:  RMB1500/year.

2.Second prize scholarship:  RMB1000/year.


1. 优秀语言生一等奖学金。 奖励人民币1200/年。

2. 优秀语言生二等奖学金。 奖励人民币800/年。

(II)  Scholarship for outstanding overseas students learning Chinese language

1.First prize scholarship:  RMB 1200/year.

2.Second prize scholarship:  RMB 800/year.




III   Financial source of the expenditure

The expenditure of the scholarship relies on the related expenditure programs allocated by the university.


   四、 评选办法和评审程序 

(一) 学历生:申请者填写“广东技术师范学院来华留学生奖学金申请表,由本人所在学院签署推荐意见,交国际教育学院。语言生:由申请者本人填写“广东技术师范学院来华留学生奖学金申请表,交国际教育学院。

IV  Means and procedure of the evaluation and selection

(I)  Overseas students studying in majors: The applicants fill in an Application Form for the Overseas Students Scholarship of GPNU, and hand in the form to the School of International Education together with official recommendations from the majors that they are studying in.  Overseas students of language-learning also fill in an Application Form for the Overseas Students Scholarship of GPNU, and hand in the form to the School of International Education.

   (二) 国际教育学院根据申请者的考试成绩和平时表现,以及获奖者人数不超过留学生总人数10%的原则,将申请人进行排名,确定获奖人选,并张榜公示。

(II)  The School of International Education will rank the applicants, select the scholarship winners according to applicants exam results, usual performance, and the principle of scholarship winners accounting for not more than 10% of the total overseas students in the university. The overseas students then will be public informed of the selection result.





V  Time schedule for application and prize awarding

Applicants hand in the application form to the School of International Education before April 30 every year.

The School of International Education will publicly announce the selection result before May 20 every year.



VI  The regulations come into force on March 1, 2012. They are subject to explanation from the board of heads of the School of International Education of GPNU.



School of International Education of GPNU

